Web app for digital transformation

1. What is Web Application?
A web application is a computer program that uses a web browser and web technology to perform tasks over the Internet.
2. Overview
Millions of businesses use the Internet as a communication channel to help save costs. It allows businesses to exchange information with their target market and conduct transactions quickly and securely. However, these activities only become effective when businesses can capture and store all the necessary data and have the means to process all of this information, then proceed to present the results. for users.
Web applications use a combination of server-side scripts (PHP and ASP) to handle information storage and retrieval, and client-side scripts (JavaScript and HTML) to present information to users. user. This allows users to interact with businesses using online forms, content management systems, shopping carts, and more. Additionally, the apps enable employees to create documents, share information, collaborate on projects, and work on common documents regardless of location or device.
3. How does a Web Application work?
Web applications are often coded in browser-supported languages such as JavaScript and HTML because these languages rely on the browser to render the executable program. There are some dynamic applications that require server-side processing, while static applications will not require server-side processing at all.
How does a Web Application work?
Web applications require a web server to manage requests from the client, an application server to perform the requested tasks, and sometimes, a database to store information. Application server technologies range from ASP.NET, ASP and ColdFusion, to PHP and JSP.
Here is the flow of how the web application works:
• The user triggers a request to the web server over the Internet, through a web browser or the application’s user interface.
• The web server forwards this request to the appropriate web application server..
• The Web application server performs the requested task – such as querying a database or processing data – and then produces the results of the requested data.
• The web application server sends results to the web server with the requested information or processed data.
• The web server responds back to the client with the requested information which then appears on the user’s screen.
5. Benefits of web application (web application)
• Web applications run on multiple platforms regardless of operating system or device, as long as the browser is compatible.
• All users have access to the same version, which eliminates any compatibility issues.
• They are not installed on the hard drive, thus eliminating space constraints.
• They reduce piracy in subscription-based web applications (e.g., SaaS)
• They reduce costs for both businesses and end users, the reason: businesses do not need support and maintenance for these web applications, not to mention they also do not require high requirements on the end user’s computer to run. enforcement.
6. What is the difference between Website and Web app?
What is the difference between Website and Web application?
It is a fact that the boundary between website and web application is quite fragile. A news site – tech.vccloud.vn is an example, for the reader it is the website. But on the admin and editor side, it is a web application. Besides, some websites have the ability to provide search and comment functions for users, but are still just websites, not web apps.
The following is a (relative) comparison table distinguishing between websites and web apps for your reference:
Table comparing the differences between Website and Web application
1. What is a mobile app?
Mobile app is an application program specifically for mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones that allows users to access the content you desire right on that mobile phone device. Mobile app programmers will turn it into a large, miniature space so users can entertain, watch news, shop,…
Mobile app contains a large number of potential customers that businesses seek. Therefore, today there are countless apps in many different fields and industries.
2. Classification of Mobile apps
Once you have a better understanding of the concept of what a mobile app is, learning more about the classifications of mobile apps is a must:
- Native Mobile App: This is the type of application that you use to download the desired content to your mobile phone device and will use them by accessing it. Some native apps can be mentioned as dictionary applications or offline mobile games, etc.
- Hybrid Mobile App: Hybrid Mobile App is a hybrid application that combines the outstanding features of a web app and a native app. This web application is written in web programming languages such as CSS3, Javascript, or HTML5 and is surrounded by a container shell on the outside so that it can be similar to a native mobile app and downloaded on the application store.
3. Difference between Native Mobile app and Hybrid Mobile app
Understanding what a mobile app is and its classification, you will certainly recognize the different characteristics between native mobile app and hybrid mobile app mentioned below:
- Native mobile app: An application placed on mobile devices that is developed specifically for each operating system and the content is updated through versions of the application. This application program can be used even without an internet connection and brings great experiences to customers using mobile devices. However, development and maintenance costs are very expensive.
- Hybrid mobile app: Is a web displayed on mobile similar to an application that only needs container development. The content of Hybrid app will be updated based on the website, so it cannot provide a user experience as good as native. In addition, Hybrid mobile app cannot be used without internet but is much less expensive than native.
4. The importance of mobile apps for businesses
To help you better understand what a mobile app is, Bizfly will introduce to you the benefits that mobile apps bring to businesses as follows:
- Smartphones are increasingly popular: It is easy to see that smartphones are increasingly popular and the ability to replace feature phones in stores is huge. Almost everyone including businessmen, social networks and gamers use apps on smartphones.
- Visibility: Smartphones are increasingly attractive and are used for large amounts of work that were previously limited to laptop or desktop devices. Mobile apps have good visibility. Therefore, businesses often use it to promote brands, products or to provide access to that product.
- Better access to customers: In the near future, it can be seen that smartphones will depend heavily on the app store. Therefore, it will be easier and more convenient for you to reach the world of customers if you own a smartphone.
- Increase customer experience: Mobile app gives customers different experiences that cannot be achieved with a mobile web or any other tool. In addition, personal smartphone devices will be closer to customers than other devices. This helps businesses easily increase the experience for their customers.
- Diversity in brand promotion: Owning a mobile app, businesses can easily promote and increase brand awareness of their business to users in a diverse, quick and effective way.
5. The importance of Mobile app in the current 4.0 era
In this section, we will go deeper into analyzing the positive effects of Mobile on life as well as economic activities in the current 4.0 era.
Social life
- As you all know, thanks to the mobile app, you can perform many daily activities right on your smartphone.
- Besides, entertainment activities such as watching movies, listening to music and reading stories become easier and faster with just a few swipes.
That’s why life becomes faster and more convenient than ever. - Before 2018, mobile use probably only took place in big cities, but since the beginning of 2020, even my parents and grandparents have started using mobile apps as a means of communication. that’s everyday life.
- I feel most happy about this because thanks to it, connecting with relatives and friends has become easier, and emotions have become much more profound.
- I see that the appearance of mobile apps has changed people’s lives in a more positive direction.
- If you pay attention, you can see that thanks to mobile apps, businesses can deploy many different activities related to customer care, loyalty or tracking consumer behavior.
- Not stopping there, the mobile app has become a product that can bring in a huge economic volume. According to BrandsVietnam’s report, the market value of mobile apps has reached $290 billion, 5 times higher than in 2014. Thus, we can see that this is a very large market and competition is fierce.
- Also based on the benefits and capabilities of mobile apps, some businesses have also begun to build a number of apps to help improve sales, reduce operations that do not create value, and make management and operations easier. practice becomes easier.
Cloud server is considered a cloud solution for businesses that want to use cloud computing (cloud computing), quickly respond to the digital transformation process, and improve business efficiency. This article helps you better understand this solution and suggests reputable suppliers.
1. Why is Cloud Server called a cloud solution for businesses?
Cloud server is called a cloud solution for businesses because this computing model can help businesses expand their infrastructure easily at optimal costs. At the same time, Cloud server helps businesses solve the problem of performance limits of conventional physical server equipment.
Cloud computing virtual servers are designed with the same configuration and functions as a real physical server. Customers can proactively manage and upgrade the system, have the option to install applications according to their needs and purposes of use, and access remotely anytime, anywhere via an Internet connection.
2. What does cloud solutions for businesses include?
Cloud computing includes many deployment models and layers to help businesses have a variety of options to find the right cloud solution for themselves.
2.1 Model deployment
Cloud deployment models are divided into 3 types with the following characteristics:
Public Cloud
Public Cloud, meaning public cloud computing, with typical names such as Office 365, Gmail, Google Drive, OneDrive,… This is a computing model in which the service provider will create servers. virtual, applications, software, storage space,… Users just need to log in and use.
Private Cloud
Private Cloud means private cloud computing suitable for medium and large businesses that have enough money to rent a private internal network for themselves. Private Cloud also has a firewall system and internal storage space. The purpose is to ensure high security so businesses feel secure when transferring important data to a third party’s space.
Hybrid Cloud
Hybrid Cloud, also known as hybrid cloud computing, is a combination of the advantages of two public cloud and private cloud models. Thanks to that, customers can flexibly rotate during use, to effectively use Internet resources with maximum savings.
2.2 Deployment layering
Infrastructure as a Service – IaaS
IaaS means Infrastructure as a Service, will provide full configuration of a physical server such as CPU, RAM, hard drive, storage space, Internet,… Users only need to Pay the fee and log in to use the service provided. All the preparation work has been taken care of by the Cloud service provider from A – Z.
Platform as a Service – PaaS
PaaS means platform as a service. This class allows users to freely choose the software they need and use. Users do not need to worry about updating software or related infrastructure such as CPU, RAM, memory, etc. Because that is the responsibility of the cloud server provider.
Software as a Service (SaaS)
SaaS means software as a service. This class will prepare all technical steps up to software installation. The user’s job is to learn how to effectively use the software for their work.
3. Cloud server features
Cloud server operates on the cloud computing platform and the bridge is the Internet, not limited by the configuration and resources of the physical server. Therefore, the cloud computing model possesses many outstanding features such as:
High availability
The cloud computing service provider has large IDC data centers and modern infrastructure that provides users with quick software, applications, configuration, network connections, etc. At the same time, allowing users to easily upgrade or reduce resource usage.
Easy to upgrade
When using cloud server, users can easily upgrade services such as resources, configuration, storage space,… in a few clicks. They will not be limited by server configuration like with virtual servers (VPS), or have to invest in additional types of equipment, hard drives,… and take time to install and upgrade like in the case of computers. previous physical owner.
The manager is extremely friendly
Users are provided with a portal with a simple, friendly working interface so they can self-administer their accounts.
Effective remote access capabilities
A typical feature of a cloud server is that all virtual server configurations, applications, software, and storage space are placed on clouds on the Internet. Therefore, users can access the data warehouse and connect with remote colleagues without having to go to the office.
Data backup
The characteristic of cloud servers is that they are backed up regularly. Thanks to that, data is regularly backed up to multiple storage copies in the cloud to prevent the loss of important information.
Advanced security
Cloud server service providers are very concerned and invest a lot of money in data security. They will implement multi-layer security measures from the virtual layer on the system to the protection layers in data centers.
The physical security system only allows relevant people to enter. They are experts, technical teams with codes and cards to access the giant physical server area. Therefore, businesses can feel completely secure when using cloud server services for their business.
4. Benefits of using Cloud Server
Cloud server has many superior features than previous server models. Therefore, when renting a cloud server, customers will receive benefits such as:
Stable and highly secure
With a full infrastructure of modern equipment and a technical team working 24/7, therefore, when any problem occurs, the supplier will quickly handle it to ensure a stable system. , without interruption affecting the business.
Provide faster service
Cloud server integrates many software, hardware, applications, Internet,… so it can provide many types of services according to customers’ diverse needs in a short time.
Expanding or reducing virtual servers is easy
The characteristic of cloud server is that it allows users to use and pay according to their needs. In addition, cloud servers are not limited by the configuration of physical servers and resources. Therefore, users can expand or reduce the need to use virtual servers very simply and easily.
Cloud server is secured with many layers from virtual to physical layer, so it has high data security
5. Duc Phuc – Cloud solution provider for all businesses
Duc Phuc is a cloud solution provider for all businesses because it possesses advantages such as:
– Good infrastructure capacity
– High availability
– Easy upgrade
– High security and confidentiality
– 24/7 technical support