Wired Socket Switch Schneider

Schneider-D-Life-Dynamics-KNX-Universal Module

SKU: MTN619X-6010


Schneider Electric D-Life Dynamics KNX Universal Module MTN619X-6010

Introduction: Schneider Electric D-Life Dynamics KNX Universal Module MTN619X-6010 is a dynamic display push button that can be equipped with 2 to 8 buttons for configuring different functions. The functions and related labels (text and symbols) are configured in ETS (5 or 6) or eConfigure KNX and displayed accordingly on the screen. This smart device is convenient for smart home solutions, helping to control and manage various functions in the home easily and efficiently.

Product Details:

Mounting Frame and Surface Box: Sold separately
1 gang frame
Schneider D-Life 1-post – surface mounting box
Button housing: Sold separately
Large rocker: Compatible with 2-button and 8-button modules
2 gang Median Rocker: Compatible with 4-button and 8-button modules
1 gang Median Rocker-2 gang Small Rocker: Compatible with 6-button and 8-button modules
4 gang Small Rocker: Compatible with 8-button module


Dynamic KNX push button: Can be equipped with 2 to 8 buttons for configuring different functions.
Function and related label configuration: Text and symbols are configured in ETS (5 or 6) or eConfigure KNX and displayed accordingly on the screen.


Product Brand: Schneider Electric
Range: D-Life
Product Type: KNX Universal Module
Product Code: MTN619X-6010

Packaging Details:

Package Unit Type 1: PCE
Quantity in Package: 1
Package Weight: 212.0 g
Package Height: 5.5 cm
Package Width: 9.5 cm
Package Length: 12.5 cm
Package Unit Type 2: CAR
Quantity in Package 2: 20
Package Weight 2: 4.755 kg
Package Height 2: 15.0 cm
Package Width 2: 30.0 cm
Package Length 2: 40.0 cm

Benefits: Schneider Electric D-Life Dynamics KNX Universal Module MTN619X-6010 is the perfect choice for smart home systems, helping to control and manage devices at home conveniently and efficiently. With high customization capabilities and dynamic display features, this product meets the needs of modern users

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